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Tecnifibre X-Cord Stringing Machine

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Tecnifibre X-Cord Stringing Machine offers precision stringing for tennis, squash and badminton racquets.

- Guarantees integral securing of the racquet limiting flex or bending
- Suited to every kind of tennis/squash/badminton racquet
- Double the contact points to the racquet vs competitors
- Only 1 click for adjustable tower allows fast and precise positioning with 3 steps
- Re-positionable nylon protection guarantees good maintenance of the racquet
- 2 steps to adjust the racquet in middle of the cradle
- Redesigned knob adjustment provides safe locking of the string inside the clamp
- Double Action clamp with “gravity assisted release”
- Automatic brake at each pulling
- All pull functions are controlled by a touch screen panel display
- Standard functions as: speed/knot Overtension/crosses or pre-stretch on 1st menu
- Stand height function is controllable / number of strung racquets on 2nd menu
- Redesigned string puller provides smooth use with touch pad
- Starter Clamp, Needle Nose Pliers, Cutter and Awl included

Assembled Weight: 47kg
Maximum Height: 1.28M
Minimum Height: 1.02M
Stand Weight: 10kg

Tension Head:
Shipping Box 1:
61 x 46 x 38cm [20kg]
Shipping Box 2:
58 x 53 x 36cm [17kg]
Shipping Box 3:
83 x 47 x 32cm [13.3kg]
Shipping Box 4:
109 x 24 x 20cm [9kg]